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Environmental Regulations of Chemical Materials

Environmental Regulations of Chemical Materials (13 min.) More and more companies that use hazardous chemicals are turning to an approach called chemical safety management. Chemical Safety Management, also known as Chemical Process Safety Management or Risk Management Planning, can help you identify potential risks at your site and establish an organized method for reducing those risks. It’s not a formal procedure so much as a way of doing business, an integrated philosophy that considers your entire operation rather that just pieces of it. Chemical Safety Management involves everyone in your company, day in and day out. It''s a continuous process.

Topics covered in this safety video include: chemical safety program, basic principles including inventory, reviewing entire process, conducting detailed studies, establishing and following a regular preventive maintenance program, developing standard operating procedures and training programs for employees, managing changes in the operation, investigating and documenting accidents and near accidents, developing emergency response plans for your company and coordinating them with local emergency planners, sharing information with the local community, hazard analysis, Chemical Safety Management, 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, 7 major federal environmental standards that affect chemical materials, laws and regulations that apply to hazardous materials, and Chemical Safety Risk Management.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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