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Eating For Energy

Eating For Energy (12 min.)A lot of what we eat at truck stop plazas and restaurants taste good, but aren't good for us. Eating right can often be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be difficult. We need to know what foods are good for us and what amounts of them we should consume. The American Heart Association recommends the amount of daily calories required by gender, age, and activity level. Your doctor can help determine your ideal weight and whether you should reduce, increase, or maintain your daily calorie intake.

Topics included in the safety video are: sedentary, moderately active, active, complex carbohydrates, portion, spices, keeping items fresh, maintain a healthy weight, balance calorie intake with physical activity, adopt a physically active lifestyle, eat a variety of healthy foods, whole grainsover processed, limit consumption of processed and red meats, limit consumption of alcohol and stop smoking, your sodium consumption, beverages and foods with added sugars, fried foods, smoked foods, organic foods, mega, fiber, eat several smaller meals, pick foods with bright colors, strawberries, milk, and the eight foods you should eat every day (black beans, blueberries, carrots, oats, spinach, tomatoes, walnuts, and yogurt).

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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